Homestuck sprite master sheet
Homestuck sprite master sheet

  • Later, we find out that their colors are the same that each player's corresponding Post-Scratch counterpart uses.
  • Color Coded for Your Convenience: Their colors are close to that of their player's.
  • Based off the ultimate fate of Jadesprite, it seems that prototyping a corpse as sprite actually brings it back to life, as Jadesprite serves as a living dream self for Jade's ascension to God Tier.
  • Back From the Dead: A sprite uses the form and memories of a deceased individual to create a trustworthy companion for its owner.
  • 2.3.1 Tropes which apply specifically to Calsprite:.
  • As such, if there are no pre-entry prototypings, the game becomes Unwinnable. Additionally, the prototyping allows the Skaia Battlefield to develop, evolve and become ready to bear the universe the players are destined to create. Whenever a prototyped sprite enters the Medium, its properties are transferred into the "prototyping" towers of Prospit and Derse, which shares the properties among the game's Mooks and the Requisite Royal Regalia wielded by the White and Black Kings and Queens. Prototyping twice is optional and can be done both before and after entry into the Medium, but a sprite must be prototyped at least once before entering if the session is to be successful. They are initially generated as a formless glowing orb known as the Kernelsprite, and are given form by the player this is achieved by "prototyping" an object, or putting an object into into the sprite, at which point the sprite takes on the form, attributes, powers and (if it is/was alive) mind and personality of the object.Įvery sprite can be prototyped twice, which adds the properties of the second object onto the sprite and, if the second object is/was alive, overwrites the personality of the first object with that of the second. Sprites are a game construct provided to all players of Sburb, intended to give the player a Spirit Advisor in the form of someone/something they know and trust. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO Janna2000, SelfCloak or RRabbit42. The Trope workshop specific templates can then be removed and it will be regarded as a regular trope page after being moved to the Main namespace.
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    Before making a single edit, Tropedia EXPECTS our site policy and manual of style to be followed.Typical eye animation speed is 100ms, and mouth speed is 150ms. Once I'm satisfied with the sprite's outlines, I make copies of it and merge it with the mouth and eye animations and then animate the sprite. I copy and paste the eyes and mouth sections and alter them for the animation layers. At this point, I check the sprite for weird pixels on the outline, and do a bit of fixing in Sai. Since Sai can't use gifs, I export to gif using GIMP, and then open the gif up.

    homestuck sprite master sheet

    Then I take the pen tool and do final edits to the sprite, which involve fixing the eyes and thinning the lines of the sprite. I merge the clipping layer to the lineart, then merge the lineart to the colours. Once the shading is done, I make a new layer on top of the lineart and clip it to the lineart, and then use it to alter the colour of the lineart.Īt this point, the sprite is almost done, but it still doesn't look quite right. Next up is colours! First is base, and then shading. I didn't draw the bottom part of her body in because I was going to just copy and paste that part from the default pose sprite. Once I'm satisfied with the rough's appearance, I make a new layer again and draw the lineart in black. I flip between the old sprite's poses very often as I draw the rough, to make sure it's accurate. Next, I make a new layer and draw the rough for the new sprite over the default pose, next to the old sprite. For Clay, for instance, I used Hobo Phoenix looking serious. I also bring up the HD version of the sprites so I can see her eyes and eyebrows in detail.įor the first sprite of a new set, I use the sprite of a character closest to the size and pose of the character I want to draw. In the case of Maya, I use her old sprites for pose, and the default pose of her new sprites for size. The first thing I do is bring up my references for the new sprite in Sai.

    Homestuck sprite master sheet